舊約時代, 神多次指責已變得假冒為善的先知和祭司們,嘴說平安,其實沒有平安。
因為唯一能夠以言語來成就一切事物的,唯有全能者 神而已。真正能口說平安,就達到平安之效果的,唯有 神和受 神差遣的使命者而已。
所以當法老王急急忙忙地詢問約瑟有關自己所做的怪夢是什麼意思時,深知 神才是一切主宰的約瑟回答說:「這不在乎我, 神必將平安的話回答法老。(創世記41:16)」
能說出「帶給人平安的言語」,必要的條件就是 神同在。
想要平安,賜下平安的 神和被 神使用來賜下平安的人,不可或缺。
只是,當 神真正派人來賜下平安時,人們卻不見得認得出來。
如同過去的每個時代一樣, 神派使命者來賜下平安的言語,這時代也有 神賜下的平安言語正在傳達著。
此刻,平安的言語在 神的時代歷史中流倘著。
When you converse
with other, you must speak in word of peace to one another.
Sunday Message
No matter what we are looking for in life, at the end, peace, is
what we all are searching for.
We may be looking for love, but what we really want is having
peace through love. We may be looking for money, but what we really hope for is
having peace through loads of wealth. We may be going after fame, but what we
really desire is having peace through power and glory of this world.
At last, what we all want in life is peace.
Therefore, to bring one another peace, is an amazing gift.
Ideally, if someone can always converse in word of peace to one another, then
he or she must be popular wherever he or she goes.
Sadly, that isn’t the case in the real world.
What can we say to bring peace to one another?
We may greet one another with phrases such as “hello”, “peace”, or
“may peace be with you”, but just because we use the word “peace” in our
greetings, it neither makes it word of peace, nor brings people peace.
God called prophets and priests of the Old Testament hypocrites: they
speak of peace, but there is no peace among the people.
They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. ‘Peace, peace,’ they
say, when there
is no peace.
Jeremiah 6:14
They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. “Peace, peace,” they
say, when there is no peace.
Jeremiah 8:11
“‘Because they lead my people astray, saying, “Peace,” when there is no peace, and because, when a
flimsy wall is built, they cover it with whitewash, 11 therefore tell those who cover it with whitewash that it is
going to fall. Rain will come in torrents, and I will send hailstones hurtling down, and violent winds will burst forth. 12 When the wall collapses, will people not ask you, “Where is
the whitewash you covered it with?”
Ezekiel 13:10
Why there is no peace among the people? That’s because only the
all knowing, all mighty God can let things be done with his word. Only the man
of mission who is sent by God can bid one another peace through the word he
This is why when the Pharaoh of Egypt anxiously asked Joseph about
the meaning of dreams he had and what they represent, Joseph said to the
““I cannot do it…but God will give Pharaoh
the answer he desires.””
Genesis 41:16
The irreplaceable condition to be able to converse in word of
peace is to have God by his side.
No matter how many times and how hard we may emphasize, when we do
not have ownership of something, we cannot claim the ownership of whatever we
try to claim. Though we want and are willing to bring each other peace, unless
this peace is given from where it comes from, this request cannot be done. We
may be able to comfort one another temporary; however, that is not the eternal
If we are looking for peace, God, the ultimate being who owns peace
and the man of mission who God uses to proclaim word of peace are both essential.
However, how many people can recognize the man of mission who is sent by God?
The reason we cannot recognize him is because, his word can and will
bring us peace, but, sometimes, isn’t what we would like to hear.
“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later
on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by
Hebrews 12:11
When the situation is not pleasant, how many people can and will
accept disciplines? Most of our hearts chose to be calloused.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus brought the gospel of peace when he came
to this world. However, his gospel of peace was labeled as the teaching of
heresy because it seemed to be different from the teaching of priests and
prophets of Old Testament. In the midst of religious conflict, the offspring of
people who accepted Jesus’ gospel built nations of peace. As for people who
abandoned Jesus’ teaching, they are still under the pain of war and tribulations
until this day. Peace seems to be nothing but a dream to them.
Now, this is a question we should ask
ourselves, “Are we pushing away peace that could be upon us?”
Just like what God had done in the past, the
man of mission of this time period is proclaiming the word of peace to us based
on God’ s will right now. It may not be what we would like to hear, but, if we
repeatedly listen to and accept it, we will receive peace in our life.
The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever.
Isaiah 32:17
The word of peace is flowing in the God’s
history right now.
Listen to it.
“May peace be with you.”
Translated by R. C.
同樣一句話:「願你們充滿 神的平安」
阿 原來 神與那平安的使命者同在